Who Can Take the American Citizenship Test?

American Citizenship TestThe American citizenship test is a part of the naturalization process that permits Green Card holders to obtain US citizenship. This test will be conducted during the naturalization interview and it comprises of the English and the civics tests. You will be required to appear for the US citizenship test after the approval of Form N-400 and after you submit your biometrics information. People applying for US citizenship must get through this American citizenship test in order to obtain US citizenship.

Green Card holders who apply for naturalization must take the American citizenship test, during the naturalization interview. But all the applicants will not be required to appear for interviews and the applicants whose applications have been approved alone will be called for interviews. This test cannot be avoided and seniors and individuals who are physically or mentally impaired alone will be granted exemptions. However, applicants above age 50 and 55 who have been living in America as lawful residents for more than 20 and 15 years, may not be required to take the English test but they must take the civics test in their native languages.

At the same time, Green Card holders applying for US citizenship must remember that the American citizenship test is not a multiple choice test. Your fluency in English will be tested first and you will be given three sentences to read and write and you need to read out and write at least one sentence correctly. Similarly, the civics test will be administered orally and the USCIS officer will select ten questions and ask those questions and you need to provide answers to at least 6 questions correctly to pass the civics test. Your ability to speak and understand English will be judged during the interview as the interviewing officer will talk to you only in English, throughout the interview. Hence, you can take the American citizenship test, if you have filed Form N-400 and if your petition is approved.

To apply for US citizenship, a Green Card holder must have been living in the United States for a five year period and must not have lived abroad for more than one year within that five year period. Moreover, permanent residents must file their naturalization applications in the American state where they have been living for the past three months. Apart from that, good moral character is an important requirement and the applicants will have to prove that they have not been convicted of crimes. Similarly, you must know enough about the United States and must be fluent in English. If you meet these requirements, you may apply for US citizenship and take the American citizenship test. As an applicant for naturalization, you must be willing to swear the oath of Allegiance.