What You Need to Know About the Senate Immigration Reform Bill?

Though the Senate immigration reform bill may not satisfy everyone, it would benefit DREAMers, agricultural workers, high skilled foreign workers and undocumented immigrants. Likewise, the bill would stiffen border security and mandate E-verify.

Senate immigration bill Has A Path To Citizenship

United States Naturalization ProcessThe Senate immigration reform bill would permit eligible undocumented immigrants to obtain US citizenship within 13 years. Initially, undocumented immigrants would be required to submit biometrics information, undergo background checks, pay a $500 penalty, pay the back taxes and apply for Registered Provisional Immigrant status. They can apply for lawful permanent resident status after ten years and for US citizenship after three years and the DREAMers can apply for lawful status within five years.

Pathway To Citizenship only after Strengthening Border Security

The immigration reform bill focuses on border security and the undocumented immigrants would be permitted to file applications for lawful status only after the US Department of Homeland Security(DHS) takes steps strengthen border security. Immigrants would be able to file for Registered Provisional Immigrant status only after the DHS develops plans and they would be permitted to apply for lawful permanent resident status only after all the plans are implemented and after the DHS achieves the border security goals.

Border EnforcementBorder Enforcement

The bill would allocate around $3 billion to plan and implement border security measures and the focus would be on high-risk areas. According to the immigration reform bill, 90 percent border effectiveness must be achieved within the next five years.

All the DREAMers can Apply for Lawful Status

DREAMers can Apply for Lawful StatusThe Senate immigration reform bill would permit all the DREAMers to apply for lawful status and there is no age limit and the bill would permit them to become Green Card holders within five years. Even the undocumented youth who are ineligible for deferred action status, would become eligible for lawful status, if the Senate immigration reform bill is passed. These DREAMers would become eligible for US citizenship after they become permanent residents and they can apply for US citizenship three years after becoming Green Card holders. This applies to the DREAMers who arrived in the country under age 16 and prior to 31st December, 2011. To qualify, they must be high school graduates or honorably discharged veterans.

Deported Immediate Relatives can Return to the United States

Some deportees would be permitted to return to the United States and reunite with their family members. Immediate relatives of US citizens who were living in the United States prior to 31st December, 2011 and who were deported due to unlawful presence, would be allowed to apply for Registered Provisional Immigrant status and return to America. DREAMers who were deported and who do not have relatives in the country would also be allowed to re-enter America.

Senate Bill to Set Up a Guest Worker ProgramVisas For for Foreign Workers

This bill would expand the H-1B visa program and create a guest worker program for the low skilled foreign workers and an agricultural visa program for agricultural workers. Likewise, merit based immigrant visas would be issued to some foreign nationals based on their education and employment and other considerations. Programs that would attract investors, entrepreneurs and high skilled foreign workers would be created. Moreover, all the US employers would be required to use E-verify and the country might design and implement a new E-verify system.