Things to Know About the US Immigration Medical Exam

United States allows citizens of foreign countries to enter into the country as temporary visitors and it also grants lawful status to people who look forward to remain permanently in the country. People who seek to enter into the United States as lawful permanent residents will have to undergo medical examinations, irrespective of their categories. US immigration laws require the applicants to undergo medical examinations in order to ensure that they enter into the country in good health and that do not pose a threat to the public health. After the applicant undergoes the required medical examination and after his application is approved, he will be granted a Green Card, if he is found to be eligible for lawful status in the United States.

USCIS offers guidelines about the about the US immigration medical examinations and the applicants must follow these guidelines. Medical examinations are conducted to prevent the people with serious health issues from entering into the country. Similarly, refugees who enter into the United States and who seek lawful status, also must undergo medical examinations. Medical examinations are mandatory for foreign nationals who are filing applications for immigrant visas and for people in the United States who had filed applications for adjustment of status. Similarly, foreign nationals who seek to travel to the United States temporarily, may be required to undergo medical examinations if the US immigration officers feel that an examination is necessary.

These immigration medical examinations are conducted by the doctors who are designated by the USCIS. Only the authorized civil surgeons and panel physicians must conduct immigration medical examinations for Green Card applicants and others who require medical examinations. You need to meet a panel physician, if you are outside the United States and that physician will conduct an examination that includes blood test, tuberculosis test, mental health test and the other required tests. You must also be immunized against transmittable diseases. Your application for an immigrant visa may be denied if you fail to undergo the medical examination and if you fail to get vaccinated. Similarly, medical examination will be done by a civil surgeon, if you had filed an application for adjustment of status.

You need to take with you, to the medical examination appointment, a copy of the USCIS Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record. You will have to complete Part 1 of the form and you must sign only after the civil surgeon tells you to sign. The results of your medical examination will be recorded by the civil surgeon, in the form and these results will be valid for a year. The doctor will place the completed Form I-693 and the vaccination records in an envelope and you must submit it to the USCIS officer, without opening the application package. You need to use Form DS-2053, Medical Examination For Or Refugee Applicant, to document the results of your medical examination, if you had applied for an immigrant visa.

A person who is mentally disabled and who is addicted to drugs may not be permitted to enter into the United States. However, the applicants must make sure that they meet the immunization requirement. Your application for adjustment of status or Green Card will be processed only after you undergo the required US immigration medical examination.