The United States is a nation of immigrants; the country is made up of immigrants and descendants of immigrants. Immigrants play a vital role in the country’s economy. Immigration reform is now a hot topic and it is the right time to recognize the positive effects of immigration.
Immigration leads to an exchange of values and the people in the country are exposed to a variety of languages and cultures. Immigrants are a boon to the country’s economy. They tend to be hard-working and ambitious, often bringing the best talents and skills to America and helping the country remain competitive. But the current immigration system prevents innovative immigrants from getting into the country.
Coming to the United States has always been a dream for many who wish to work and settle here. The country has to create legal immigration channels for talented foreign nationals. A country that treats its immigrants fairly is respected by people around the world. It is also important to understand the role played by immigrants in agriculture and technology.
Foreign born doctoral students outnumber Americans. Immigrants are twice more likely to start businesses in the United States than the native-born Americans making them crucial to American entrepreneurship.
An immigration reform bill that would protect the rights of such immigrants, who play an important role in the country’s economy, must be signed into law. The country must adopt a bold plan that will attract talents from across the globe. Immigration activists and several prominent Americans want the U.S. Congress to act without delay and reform the country’s immigration laws.
Immigration activists are in favor of the Senate bill that would legalize the country’s undocumented immigrants and authorize them to apply for U.S. citizenship. That bill would ease the restrictions on U.S. visas for STEM graduates. It would create new visa programs and expand few existing ones. Activists also say that if more people are permitted to immigrate to the country legally, they will not get into the country illegally.