President Obama signed two presidential memoranda and then traveled to Del Sol High School and spoke about the steps he is taking on immigration. He signed two policies “Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees” and “Modernizing and Streamlining the U.S. Immigrant Visa System for the 21st Century,” aboard Air Force One.
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The first memorandum he signed will require the heads of executive departments and agencies to come up with new ways through which the U.S. visa system can be improved. The recommendations they come up with must focus on reducing government costs, improving services for applicants and combating fraud in the visa system. The other memorandum will create a task force the goal of which will be to develop a policy to better integrate new Americans into their communities and help them contribute to the economy of the U.S.
After signing the memoranda, he traveled to Del Sol High School where he addressed the gathering about his decision to reform the immigration system through executive actions. He said that his new rule will grant more than four million undocumented adults and youth a chance to apply for a temporary reprieve from deportation. These immigrants who qualify for temporary legal status also will be issued work permits. However, a pathway to U.S. citizenship or green card status will not be created.
He stated that the country will first provide more resources to law enforcement to stop illegal border crossings and that border security is more important. His plans will make it easier for high-skilled foreign workers and entrepreneurs to remain here and contribute to our economy. Then his focus will be on deporting criminals and gang members.
He said that he talked to the Office of Legal Counsel about what he can do as the President of America and that he has the legal authority to take these steps that will help make the immigration system more just and work better. President Obama also stated that he will work with the U.S. Congress and make permanent immigration reform a reality.