Senate to Unveil its Immigration Bill this Week

Immigration Reform New York Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer said that the immigration reform bill will be introduced by the senators by the end of this week. The “Gang of Eight” senators reached a deal on the immigration reform bill that includes a path to US citizenship for the undocumented immigrants. The senators came to an agreement only after the US Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO, reached a deal on the guest worker program that would offer temporary visas to low-skilled foreign workers.

However, the immigration reform bill that the senators are crafting is likely to be derailed by the conservatives in the US congress who believe that the path to citizenship for the undocumented immigrants is an amnesty program. Sen. Charles Schumer said that the senators have resolved all the major issues and that they are putting the bill into legislative language. He said that the bill will be introduced after all the eight senators review the legislative language. The bill that the senators are about to unveil will include a path to US citizenship for the undocumented immigrants in the country. Likewise, increased border security will also be a part of the immigration reform bill.

Republican senator John McCain of Arizona stated that the bill will soon be introduced and that this bill will address the needs of US businesses and that of the undocumented immigrants. He said that the country’s borders must be secured and the country must have a guest worker program that would help the US employers to hire employees legally and prevent them from hiring undocumented immigrants. Similar to the bill the senators are crafting, the House is also crafting its own immigration bill and the bill that the Congress passes will be signed by President Obama into law.