Welcome to USA.gov, is a government website maintained by the USCIS. This website will help the new immigrants who look forward to settling in America, to find the required information. This website will also help the immigrants to obtain various government benefits.
Many new immigrants who are unaware of the government assistance programs are unable to get access to government benefits, though they are eligible to receive some federal benefits. Misleading information often prevents the immigrants from obtaining various important benefits.
This website contains detailed information about other government websites and teaches the immigrants about various benefits that are available and they can learn about food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. However, immigrants may not be able to check whether they are eligible for such benefits as the website does not contain information about the eligibility requirements.
Similar to this website, USCIS also offers a guidebook that contains information about the United States and about the benefits programs that are available. USCIS requires the Green Card holders, who are new to the country, to go to the website and the guidebook. Information on various topics will help the new immigrants to settle in the country and it will also help them to know about the country and its laws.
However, immigrants may not become eligible to receive benefits and federal aids as soon as they receive their Green Cards and they may not be granted lawful status in America if they cannot take care of themselves financially. Information about finding jobs in America, learning English, finding a place to live, obtaining a Green Card, getting a social security number and a driver’s license, are found on the website.
Though all the immigrants are not eligible to receive benefits, this website boosts the new immigrants to apply for benefits such as Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, Medicare, Supplemental Security Income and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. However, immigrants can obtain all the required information by checking out the website “Welcome to USA.gov” and the guidebook offered by the USCIS and this will help them to settle in the country.