The Senate immigration bill, officially named, “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013”, will streamline the immigration process and it will also make it easier for the US employers to hire foreign nationals. This immigration reform bill has bipartisan support in the US Congress and is likely to be passed. This bill unveiled by the gang of eight will create a new temporary visa category known as W visa for the low skilled foreign workers. W visas will permit foreign nationals to work in specific registered companies such as construction firms and these visas will be valid for a three year period. However, foreign workers who obtain these W visas can renew these visas and continue to work in America for three more years. Though these visas can be renewed, W visa holders will be required to leave the country, if they are unable to obtain employment in the United States for more than 2 consecutive months. To qualify for W visas, foreign nationals must be admissible into America and must pass background checks.
Immediate relatives of the individuals who hold W visas will also be benefited and the spouses of W visa holders will be granted permission to work in the country and the W visa holders will be permitted to bring their spouses and children to the United States along with them. Employers in America will have to register with the USCIS, in order to hire foreign workers who hold W visas. Likewise, US employers can hire W visa holders, only if they are in short of workers and the registered employers also must submit applications and request the Secretary to designate the positions for which the employers are looking forward to hiring W non-immigrants, as registered positions and the foreign workers who hold W visas must be willing to accept such registered positions in America
A federal agency called the Bureau of Immigration and Labor Market Research, headed by a commissioner will be created within the USCIS and this Bureau will determine the visa allotments by conducting surveys and the Bureau will also be responsible for making recommendations to improve such programs. This agency will expand the recruitment methods and help the US employers to attract workers. The Treasury will allocate twenty million dollars to establish the Bureau and the fee collected from the US employers who seek to take part in this program will also be used to establish this Bureau. In addition, the Secretary may collect registration fee, application filing fee and processing fee, from the employers who take part in this program.