The U.S. citizenship benefits are many. The most important one is perhaps the fact that once you have U.S. citizenship you are entitled to have full protection under U.S. law.
It’s also very difficult to lose your U.S. citizenship once you have it. U.S. Citizenship is a status that grants you security.
Among the other general benefits of U.S. citizenship, you can have access to the following:
Voting Benefits of U.S. Citizenship
Once you are a U.S. citizen, you get to participate fully in U.S. life, and this includes being able to help choose who our leaders are. U.S. citizenship allows you to vote in all federal elections.
Sponsoring Benefits of U.S. Citizenship
If you’re eligible, as a U.S. citizen you can sponsor most of your close relatives allowing them to come work and live permanently in the U.S. with a Green Card.
U.S. citizens are able to sponsor their spouses, unmarried children under the age of 21 as well as married children over 21, their parents and their brothers or sisters.
Travel Benefits of U.S. Citizenship
One big change that happens once you become a U.S. citizen is the fact that you get to have the freedom to travel in out of the U.S. whenever you want to and with no restrictions as to how much time you can stay away.
Also, you are able to apply for a U.S. passport as soon as you become a U.S. citizen and the travel document becomes your new form of identification proving your status.
A U.S. passport allows you to enter many countries without the need for a visa (eg. Europe).
Financial Benefits of U.S. Citizenship
Over the years, research has concluded that U.S. citizens tend to have a higher income than non U.S. citizens. This can be due to varying factors, including jobs with higher paying salaries and higher education, which U.S. citizenship can give you access to.
As a U.S. citizen you can have access to financial aid for university studies and apply to federal government jobs.